Empowering you to live well


Inflammation and Heart Attacks (VIDEO)

Inflammation is the primary destabilizing force on arterial linings that leads to most chronic disease, including heart attack and stroke. Think of inflammation as fire; we need to detect the fire and extinguish it.  

Understanding your CIMT (VIDEO)

Carotid Intima-Media Thickness (CIMT) ultrasound- CIMT is the best method to detect early disease. It is much different than carotid ultrasound screening described above. CIMT uses modern ultrasound technology together with advanced software capability to […]

Root Cause of Aging Oxidative Stress (VIDEO)

The process that breaks our body down and eventually causes sickness is called oxidation. Oxidation leads to inflammation and free radical formation. If you read about the chemical reactions that cause cancer, cardiovascular disease, dementia, […]

100 calorie fuelings

100-calorie, low-gylcemic, nutrient-dense healthy fueling breaks *Sourced from the book, Dr.A’s Habits of Health by Dr. Wayne Scott Anderson 1 serving of natural cheese with one sliced tomato 3oz mixed nuts 10 almonds and a […]

Understanding Mouth-Body Connection (VIDEO)

The Oral-Systemic Connection Our goal is to empower our patients to create health by bridging the gap between the standard of care and optimal care.  Standard of care is medical testing and treatment that is proven […]

The Glycemic Index

*adapted from The New Glucose Revolution: The Authoritative Guide to the Glycemic Index by Stephen Colaguri, et al. The lower the glycemic index a food, the less it will cause insulin surges (and weight gain). […]

Antioxidants Scan

As you have all learned, it’s important to measure whether efforts to create health are actually working. For example, CIMT ultrasound shows whether your cardiovascular efforts are reducing disease. Blood work shows if your vitamin […]


We purposely don’t say “high cholesterol”. The three categories of cholesterol particles are LDL, HDL, and triglycerides. LDL and triglyceride particles cross through an inflamed, dysfunctional endothelium to form plaque. HDL transports LDL and triglyceride […]

High Blood Pressure

Relaxed arteries are happy arteries with good endothelial function. A completely normal blood pressure is considered to be <120/80. As blood pressure rises above this, the risk of plaque rupture begins to increase. Since 2003, […]

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