RHS Updates about Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Here is some guidance for the current Covid-19 outbreak. First, DO NOT panic! There is not enough information that would warrant extreme concern. So, if we stay calm and make wise decisions, we will be fine. 

Anyone at risk should avoid unnecessary travel. And we highly recommend you do not travel to these level 3 or 4 advisory countries. Currently:

  • Azerbaijan
  • China
  • Iran
  • Italy
  • Mongolia
  • South Korea
  • Turkmenistan

There is a large gray zone of people at intermediate risk. For you, it will depend on the importance of your trip as the level of risk exposure may change significantly in the coming days and weeks.

Keep your hands away from your face.

Use saline nasal spray 3-4 times daily.

Influenza, common cold and coronavirus all incubate in your nose and flushing will inhibit growth to give your immune system a better chance to kill them.

Symptoms are wide ranging.

Coronavirus has all the same symptoms as common viral illnesses. There is not one symptom or combination of symptoms that stand out with coronavirus. 

If you get viral symptoms:

  • Again, don’t panic.
  • Consider the OTC supplement echinacea. It’s made from daisies and there is some soft science that it boosts the immune system. Get plenty of sleep to boost your immune system.
  • Avoid exposing anyone who is high risk such as anyone over the age of 70 and people with heart or respiratory conditions. 
  • To minimize exposing others, do your best to avoid public places.
  • Call us if you are not improving after 5-6 days. Call sooner if you are high risk and have concerns about an illness progression.

We will be getting testing kits in our office, probably this week. 

Currently Quest is only testing in California, but should be testing locally soon. The state of Pennsylvania also has limited testing available.

Other Coronavirus facts and words of wisdom:

  • Estimated incubation window is 2-7 days. This is the window from exposure to symptoms.
  • DO NOT use any steroid you have at home unless you are instructed to do so by myself or another physician. Steroids may prolong the illness.
  • We’re told that risk of exposure drops significantly more than 6 feet away of infected individual.

There have been two documented cases of Coronavirus (Covid-19) in Bucks County, PA. 

Lastly, don’t panic. We are here for you!