Personal Rust Analysis
Medical advancements over the past decade allow us to identify quantitatively whether we are rusting. More indicators are being developed. The foundation of our approach to assessing whether an individual is descending down the path to disease is taught by the founder of the Institute of Arteriology, Drs. Brad Bale and Amy Doneen.
Abnormalities in any of the following suggest that the rusting process is set in motion. You are on a course to sickness.
Indicators of Developing Disease:
At RHS we begin your assessment with a set of five screening tests that give you a much clearer picture of your level of body pollution and whether you are rusting.
Carotid-IMT ultrasound: Quick and painless, this is the best available test for early cardiovascular disease. It is very different from the traditional Carotid Doppler Ultrasound. The CIMT reveals a window to see what is happening in the thousands of miles of arteries that feed all organs of your body. In people with existing cardiovascular disease, the test helps to determine whether your current treatment plan is working. To learn more, click here.
Visceral fat measurement: Your personal healthy weight cannot be found in a chart. No longer do we need to rely on body mass index (BMI) that just compares height to weight. What matters is how much visceral fat you have. Visceral fat is the fat inside your belly that you cannot wrap your hand around. It is a very powerful contributor to many inflammation driven diseases. Some people are normal at a much higher BMI than others.
Antioxidant estimate: Estimates whether the supply of antioxidants in your diet and supplements adequately meet the needs of your existing sources of oxidative stress.
Blood inflammatory markers: These FDA approved blood tests are used at institutions like the world renown Cleveland Clinic to identify inflammation that causes “rusting” and contributes to diseases like heart attacks, strokes, dementia, and cancer. You don’t treat inflammation with a pill. The source must be identified and treated.
NT-Pro BNP: This is the “happy heart” blood test. If normal, your heart is not under strain. If elevated, we search why. Common causes are high blood pressure, sleep apnea and arrhythmia.