Empowering you to live well

Category: Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention

Exercise to Activate Young Genes!

A study recently published by researchers at the Mayo Clinic added to the mounting evidence that healthy lifestyles can turn on young genes that typically become inactive as we age. These genes were not just […]

Identifying Arterial Plaque

At Revolutionary Health Services, part of helping you to live well is to prevent disease before it becomes untreatable. Heart attack and stroke are the leading causes of death in the U.S. and most countries […]

Advanced Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention

Standard of care is not optimal care. This approach to heart attack and stroke prevention is taught by the founders of the Institute of Arteriology, Drs. Brad Bale and Amy Doneen. It incorporates all of […]

Inflammation and Heart Attacks (VIDEO)

Inflammation is the primary destabilizing force on arterial linings that leads to most chronic disease, including heart attack and stroke. Think of inflammation as fire; we need to detect the fire and extinguish it.  

Understanding your CIMT (VIDEO)

Carotid Intima-Media Thickness (CIMT) ultrasound- CIMT is the best method to detect early disease. It is much different than carotid ultrasound screening described above. CIMT uses modern ultrasound technology together with advanced software capability to […]

CIMT Ultrasound Explained

Do you have a cat in the gutter? In the photo above, the pigeon is minding its own business with no idea that death is about to pounce. You are the pigeon; unknown vulnerable plaque […]

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