Empowering you to live well

Understanding Dementia

Alzheimer’s is a terminal disease that is increasingly ravaging our families and country, currently with no known effective treatment. Here is more information about this devastating disease:

  • Alzheimer’s is a molecular cancer that shrinks your brain.

  •  Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a terminal disease if its progression is not halted or reversed.

  • 1 in 7 Americans will succumb to the disease.

  • AD is the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States.

  • Nursing home populations are on the rise because their need is increasing.

  • No drug has been discovered that will stop the progression of Alzheimer’s.

Changes in U.S. Death Rates 2000 - 2010

Cost of Alzheimer’s

  • Home and nursing home care not covered by insurance

  • Long term care insurance is expensive and incomplete

  • Burden on children for many years

  • Loss of dignity

Cost of Alzheimer’s

  • Home and nursing home care not covered by insurance

  • Long term care insurance is expensive and incomplete

  • Burden on children for many years

  • Loss of dignity

Average Monthly Cost for Alzheimer’s Care Living Facility

$7,148 - semi-private

Genworth 2017 Cost of Care Survey, conducted by CareScout, June 2017

Are you on the path to Alzheimer’s Disease?

1 in 7 Americans will eventually get AD.  You can better understand your risk by getting a simple genetic test easily obtained through your doctor or additional services like 23andMe.

As you can see this test helps clarify your risk.  Your genes will never change, but you can dramatically change the activity of these genes with good choices. Those who have one or two copies of ApoE 4 are at much higher risk and should be more aggressive at prevention.  Don’t rest easy if you have the most common combination of 3/3.  You still have a 10% risk of this terminal disease!

American Alzheimer's Chart

Are those subtle changes in brain function you feel starting just normal aging or has your train left the station on the way to dementia?  The unfortunate truth is that we don’t know.  People nervously hope those senior moments are innocent.

Many with early symptoms don’t tell their doctor, spouse or employer out of fear that there is nothing they can do.  But there is hope!  Detecting and getting help early in the process provides you with the best opportunity to have a normal life.

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