Empowering you to live well

Prevent/ Reverse Memory Loss

In 2014, Dr Dale Bredesen published a paper describing a method he developed to stabilize, even reverse Alzheimer’s Disease.  He was having remarkable success.  It is called ReCODE, short for Reverse COgnitive DEcline.

Dr. Bredesen compares Alzheimer’s Disease to a roof with 36 leaky holes.  Patching one hole will not prevent water damage.  Likewise, treating just one of the 36 root causes of Alzheimer’s disease will not prevent or reverse AD.  That’s why only treating with prescription drugs notoriously fails.  Each drug only treats one root cause.  Dr. Bredesen predicts we will eventually find 50-100 root causes for AD, and he’s on a search to find the others.

Treating the root causes of dementia

ReCODE involves taking a detailed look into a patient’s individual root causes for memory loss.  We call that a cognoscopy.  It includes extensive bloodwork and additional 21st Century tests.

Information obtained from the testing is then organized to create a picture of why the individual’s cognition is declining.

Perfection is not necessary.  All we need to do is tip the scales so that more brain nerves are growing than are dying.  The further you are down the path of nerve death, the more aggressively we will need to tip the scales.


  • Exercise
  • Nutrients
  • Fasting
  • Sleep
  • Bathe neurons in BDNF
  • And more!


  • Inflammation
  • High blood sugar
  • Toxins
  • Infections
  • Nutrient/Hormone deficiencies
  • Sleep Disorders

RHS will provide your formula to help maximize your mental sharpness!


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